A Geek About Geeks: Chronicling Geek Culture and Identity Through Vlogging
In 2016 I received the Watson Fellowship where I made a Youtube series about geek culture and identity around the world.
I traveled to Japan, India, the Czech Republic, Scotland, England, Poland, and Canada.
By attending comic book conventions, basement meetups, and fantasy larps, I chronicled the passions and geeks around the globe in Japan, India, the Czech Republic, Scotland, England, Poland, and Canada. I explored the nebulous idea of what it means to be a geek both as an individual and a community. Through bonding with this community and reflecting on these experiences in videos, I discovered that the way we see ourselves the way the world sees us are often two very different things.
An interview with Petr Harmáček, a Star Wars fan from the Czech Republic, recreated the original Star Wars films frame by frame.